
Case 5

Case 5 vient d'arriver ce matin...du Anthem, des inconnus, du HazelWoods trails....ça fait toujours plaisir. dispo ici

Grounchuck (des images de lui dans Anthem 2)

Sur le site TERRIBLE ONE  un bon petit texte de Joe Rich sur Isaac Mc Crea aka Groundchuck, les photos sont aussi de Joe (autour de 1998-2000):

"Isaac McCrea is someone that had way more impact on me that I realized. Well, that is until yesterday. Isaac " Groundchuck " McCrea is from Pittsburgh, PA. Back in the legendary days of PUSH, he was a household name in the BMX world of trails. Great dude, had an awesome dad named Larry, and possessed some of the most stylish, effortless riding one could ever hope for. I got a text from Stew Johnson the other day saying that Isaac was going to be in town for a day. What?! It had been 13 years since I saw this dude last. I instantly went digging around in one of my old photo albums in search of a few pics I had taken of him long ago. When I found them, I think that's when it really hit me. He could do these things so easily, which I would spend years and years in pursuit of. Well, Isaac showed up at my front door yesterday, and it was as if nothing had changed. Same great dude! We caught a quick bite for lunch, along with his wife and Stew. Then proceeded to ride a few lines together down at 9th St. It brought back a lot of memories of riding in the trees of Pennsylvania with him. Funny enough, I believe I even heard him say, "I've been waiting since I was 15 to ride this place!" To have both Isaac and Chase at 9th, and be riding with them both, created a bit of a moment for me. Here are 2 guys, that had rewritten what style was all about riding BMX bikes. What a day. I'll be thinking about this one for awhile..."
- Joe

Un classic: la part de Stricker dans la shutterspeed 2 produit par Doug Foulke (Sekt clothing)

Josh Stricker - Shutterspeed 2 from SEKT on Vimeo.

Nico Vink Helmet Cam from GroundedBMX on Vimeo.

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